Scott County School District 1 News Article

Technology in Classrooms has Many Benefits

Classrooms look very different today than they did 20 years ago. When you walk into a classroom today you would notice students using technology. Some may be on their smartphones, laptops or tablets. You will notice that students are engaged and having fun.

There are many benefits to using technology in the classroom. The first benefit is an increase in student motivation. Today’s generation is excited about using technology and catch on very quickly. Another benefit is that students are able to take a more active role in their education. Very rarely do students just sit in their chair and listen to a teacher lecture. Technology gives teachers the ability to draw students in and involve them in learning. Technology allows students to collaborate with peers as they work on many technology-based projects.

Scott County is taking advantage of this great tool by exposing students in grades K-12 to a variety of technology-based experiences. With technology in the classroom, the possibilities are endless.

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