Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Scott County School District 1
Students & Staff
Internet Use and Agreement


Funded in the 1960's by the federal government, through the National Science Foundation in cooperation with several large research universities and defense industry corporation, as a means of sharing research data, the Internet is a worldwide network of large and small computers that make up a major artery on the "information highway." The Internet is a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on a wide range of subjects.

Students access to Internet services offers exciting educational possibilities in the realm of research or communication for any subject area. With access to computers and people all over the world also come the availability of materials that may not be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting.

Scott County School District 1 has taken precautions to restrict access to controversial materials; however, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials. Consequently, users may encounter materials they consider obscene, abusive, or otherwise offensive. Scott County School District 1 firmly believes that information and the interaction available utilizing this resource network outweigh the possibility that users may access materials that are not consistent with the educational goals of Scott County School District 1. Internet access is

seen as a supplement to traditional sources, both print and non-print, not as a replacement for them.

When Internet utilization is a part of a classroom activity the parent or guardian of a Scott County School District 1 student may request that an appropriate activity be substituted. The request should be made in writing to the student's teachers and delivered to the teacher at least one day prior to the scheduled internet activity.


As part of the electronic information highway, Internet provides access to the following:

  1. Electronic mail communication with people all of the world.

  2. Information and news from NASA, as well as the opportunity to correspond with scientists at NASA and other research institutions.

  3. Public domain software and shareware of all types.

  4. Discussion groups on a variety of topics ranging from “aardvarks” to “environment,” to “music,” to “politics” to “zebras.”

  5. Manu university library catalogs, the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian and ERIC, the Educational Research Information Center.


Scott County School District 1 is committed to the effective use of technology, which offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to our students and staff. This includes incorporating activities and programs aimed at promoting educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, research, innovation, and communication. The "Technology System" referred to in this document includes all district computers, telecommunication resources, and services, such as host computers, laptops, peripheral devices, software, telephone systems, and internal or

external communication networks (Internet, online services, bulletin boards, and email systems) that are accessed directly or indirectly from the district facilities.

The Acceptable Use Policy has been established so students and staff are aware of the responsibility governing the use of technology systems in Scott County School District 1. Self discipline, responsibility, and cooperation are encouraged for the efficient operation of the technology environment. Students, parents, and school personnel share the responsibility for effectively implementing and reinforcing the Internet as an educational tool. Noncompliance with this policy will result in sanctions and/or prohibition of the technology services and be subject to disciplinary action by school administration. The use of the technology services is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. These guidelines require the ethical and legal utilization of the technology resources provided by Scott County School District 1.

Access to computer hardware and software is provided to students and staff for the purpose of

enhancing curriculum, instruction, and assessment, as well as promoting the efficiency of school operations. Any media produced, transmitted, or stored as a result of the technology system will remain the property of Scott County School District 1. Accordingly, Scott County School District 1 reserves the right to inspect and monitor any and all aspects of the technology system at its sole discretion, including personal and/or work files, e-mail, phone systems, and other electronic transmissions, produced by or stored within the system. Scott County School District 1 is responsible for enforcing this policy, the authorization of user access to the system, and the maintenance of all software and hardware licensing documentation, in compliance with federal and state laws.

All users, students and staff, have a responsibility to acknowledge and abide by this policy. Each

individual has the obligation to report potential or actual violations of this policy to school administration. The use of the Internet resources which violates any local, state, or federal laws is prohibited. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including termination of technology system access rights, and/or legal action if there is a violation of the law. Users may also be held personally liable for their actions.

Scott County School District 1 does not assume responsibility for individuals using the network, but does acknowledge its responsibility to the Internet community to enforce accepted standards of net protocol and its obligation to recommend the termination of user's network password and identification if it discovers ongoing and intentional misuse of the Internet resources.


Use of the Internet within Scott County School District 1 must be in support of education and research and be consistent with the educational objectives of the corporation. Use of other organization's networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Transmission of any materials in violation of any United States, state or local regulation, or law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to copyrighted materials, threatening or obscene materials or materials protected by trade secrets. Use for commercial activity is generally not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited. In addition, the following are specifically prohibited:

  1. To access, upload, download or distribute pornographic, obscene or explicit materials.

  2. To transmit obscene, abusive or sexually explicit language.

  3. To violate any local, state, or federal statute.

  4. To vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another person or organization.

  5. To access another person’s materials, information, or files without the implied or direct permission of that person.

  6. To violate, copyright, or otherwise use another person’s intellectual property without his or her prior approval or proper citations.

  7. To access any email account or chat room for non-school use.

  8. Attempts to log on the network using another individual or groups username and / or password is prohibited, whether directly or indirectly.

While Internet communication between individuals are considered to be private and every effort is made to insure their security, the user should be aware that Internet security is tenuous at best and that network service providers are required to report to the proper legal authorities any illegal activities. Misuse of names and passwords can result in the cancellation of network privileges and other penalties. Malicious attempts to harm or destroy data of another user, the Internet or any agency connected to the Internet backbone including the loading of computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms, etc. is a violation of federal law.


All users, students and staff, are responsible for complying with software license agreements,

copyright, and other federal and state laws governing property rights. Users are also responsible for safeguarding their passwords for the technology system and for any and all transactions made using those passwords. Users are not permitted to reveal personal information such as address, phone numbers, credit card numbers about themselves or other students, faculty, and staff, if intended for misuse or harm.


Users requiring access to the technology system must obtain permission from and be supervised by school personnel. Illegal or unauthorized access to the technology system will not be tolerated. Users will be assigned network space for saving data; accessing other areas, or attempting to access other areas, on the network is a violation of this policy. It is strictly forbidden to use the Internet resources to access another person's materials, information, or files without that person's permission. The technology system is intended to be used for educational and school business-related purposes only. Any media produced and/or transmitted by electronic

communication must comply with federal and state laws, as well as school policy. Product advertising, political lobbying, purchasing personal items or services, and solicitation while using the technology system is prohibited.

Users are not to utilize the system in such a way this it restricts, inhibits, or disrupts other system users, services, or equipment. Accessing, transmitting, uploading, downloading, or distributing of defamatory, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, harassing, racially offensive, illegally discriminatory, or other illegal materials is prohibited.

All hardware and software installations on Scott County School District 1 equipment must be

performed or supervised by authorized school personnel. Violating copyrights or otherwise using another person's property without prior approval or proper citation is not allowed. Transmitting of any material in violation of any local, state, or federal statute, rule, regulation, code, ordinance, or other authority is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the plagiarizing of material, infringement upon copyrighted materials, threatening or obscene material, or material protected by trade secrets.

Using non-approved materials or software for the purpose of damaging hardware and data, as well as introducing computer viruses into the system environment is a serious violation. Vandalism includes, but is not limited to any attempt to harm or destroy data, the district's networking system, or any of the agencies or other networks connected to the technology system, which includes the Internet. This includes uploading, downloading, or the creation of computer viruses. Removing or rearranging permanent computer equipment and software

without prior approval is considered vandalism. Users are not permitted to take equipment off-site without permission from an administrator. Vandalizing, damaging, stealing, or disabling the property of another individual, organization, or school is a serious violation and subject to strict disciplinary action according to school policy, as well as local, state, and/or federal laws.

While the Internet itself has virtually boundless resources, the availability of local communication and storage resource is limited. Since list servers and mail servers can generate a significant amount of data to be stored users must limit themselves to no more than (2) two of these resources. Users are expected to "clean up" their mail boxes at appropriate times so as to not create a storage problem on the host server. The Internet service provider will monitor user activity and terminate any session where resources are in use but inactive for a period of more than (15) fifteen minutes.


Network etiquette expects that users abide by the following guidelines. These guidelines include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. The user of vulgar, obscene, and otherwise inappropriate language is prohibited.

  2. Personal information such as home telephone numbers, names and addresses should be be shared over the Internet.

  3. All communications and information accessible via the network should assumed to be private property.

  4. Any attempt to compromise network security is prohibited. Any user identifying a possible breach in security must notify a system administrator or one of the district's technology coordinators.

E-mail is designated for educational purposes only. Personal correspondence, announcements,

and/or other casual communications should be conveyed through other means. E-mail systems and all media produced, transmitted, and/or stored will remain the property of Scott County School District 1.


Scott County School District 1 makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the information gained through the Internet. The school corporation cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the delay of data, non-delivery, mis-delivery or service interruptions. Use of information obtained through the Internet is at the user's own risk. Scott County School District 1 specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through this service. In consideration for Scott County School District 1 providing access to the technology system, the user and parents or guardians will agree to accept all liability, loss or damages as a result of claims, demands, attorney's fees,

costs, or judgments arising out of the user's violation of these terms and conditions.

Scott County School District 1 retains the authority to select, change, and/or terminate carrier and/or support services at any time.


Members of the general public may request access to Internet resources by contacting the Central Office and submitting an application for the service.

School District 1, whether using computers, modems and/or phone lines owned or controlled by Scott County School District 1 or not, will complete and sign an Internet Use Agreement with Scott County School District 1, as attached. In the case of individuals under the age of 18, parental consent and signatures will be required before access will be granted. The user will need to sign an agreement at the entrance of each school building, beginning with Elementary School, which will last from grades K-5. Then signing an agreement in Middle School for grades 6-8, and finally in High School for grades 9-12. Users will only need to have one signed agreement at each building level until it is no longer valid, whether by parental choice or by suspension for disciplinary purposes. If suspended, the school administrator will enforce the policy for reinstating the agreement as he/she see's fit. It is the policy of Scott County School District 1 that the cost of any materials secured utilizing the Internet are the responsibility of the individual user or, in the case of a person under the age of 18, the person who authorizes a network account. This authorization extends to any financial obligation that may be incurred

when utilizing the network as a source for goods and services. In no circumstances will Scott County School District 1 be liable for any unauthorized purchases made utilizing accounts secured through or equipment owned by Scott County School District 1. The signatures on the attached agreement are legally binding and indicate that the party (parties) who signed has (have read the terms and conditions carefully and understand) their significance.


This agreement must be completed by anyone requesting access to the Internet through Scott County School District 1. The agreement is required for adults and students alike. This agreement is binding on all users who sign it, whether they are accessing the Internet through equipment provided by Scott County School District 1 or through private access. This agreement will need to be signed at the entrance of each school level (Elementary, Middle, High School) and will be in effect until the student enters the next building level or until his / her rights are suspended for disciplinary purposes.




I, ______________________________ acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Internet Use Policy for Scott County School District 1 and that I have read that policy and understand the terms outlined for accessing the Internet. I also acknowledge that any violations of the policy as written may result in the cancellation of my access privileges. As a student or employee of Scott County School District 1, I further acknowledge that misuse of the Internet will result in appropriate disciplinary and / or legal action.

User Signature:____________________________________ Date:_____________________

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