English 10 Curriculum Map

English 10 Curriculum Map

English 10 Curriculum Map




Matched to Standards


Students will be able to


Instructional Strategies

Students will


Week 1

Class Introduction


“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”

Context Clues 


Select Reference Materials to Determine Word Meanings and Parts of Speech


Literature Structure


 1. Demonstrate reading comprehension ability through completion of a pretest. 

2. Develop vocabulary through the use of context clues.

3. Understand how chronological order and cause and effect relationships develop plot.

1. Participate in discussion about class rules and procedures. 

2. Measure reading comprehension level by completing a multiple- choice pretest.

3. Use context clues and reference materials to determine denotations and parts of speech of words within “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket.”

4. Read and analyze “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” for plot, chronological order, and cause and effect.

1. Grade vocabulary exercise. 

2. Discuss “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket.” 

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 2

“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”

“The Pedestrian”

Context Clues 


Literature Structure


1. Understand how chronological order and cause and effect relationships develop plot.

2. Develop vocabulary through the use of context clues.

3. Identify author’s purpose and elements of setting

1. Read and analyze “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” for cause and effect relationships.

2. Determine word meanings using context clues from “The Pedestrian.”

3. Read and analyze “The Pedestrian” for author’s purpose, setting, mood, and atmosphere. 

4. Demonstrate understanding of “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” and “The Pedestrian” by answering reading comprehension questions

1. Revise reading comprehension questions during class discussion next week.

2. Complete exit slip using Socrative.

Week 3

“Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket”

“The Pedestrian”

Context Clues


Literature Structure


Write a narrative


Plan and develop writing


1. Understand how chronological order and cause and effect relationships develop plot.

2. Identify author’s purpose and elements of setting.

3. Write a narrative composition that contains proper grammar and a clear beginning, middle, and end

1. Revise answers to “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” and “The Pedestrian” reading comprehension questions.

2. Demonstrate understanding of main ideas and vocabulary in “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” and “The Pedestrian” by completing a test.

3. Create an outline for narrative essay.

3. Write introduction and body paragraphs for narrative essay.

1. Grade Test.

2. Complete exit slip using Socrative.

3. Participate in student-teacher writing conferences.

Week 4


Write a narrative


Plan and develop writing


Present Ideas


Create presentations using digital media


Listen actively


1. Write/edit a narrative composition that contains proper grammar and a clear beginning, middle, and end.

2. Plan and create a digital presentation of narrative that includes proper grammar and a clear beginning, middle, and end.

3. Listen actively to presentations and communicate main ideas in writing.

1. Write a conclusion for narrative.

2. Edit narrative for spelling, punctuation, and organization.

3. Plan and create a digital presentation of narrative.

4. Present narrative using PowerPoint or Keynote.

5. Listen to and record details about narrative presentations.

1. Grade narrative and presentation.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 5

Parts of Speech

Grammar and Usage


1. Identify parts of speech to show understanding of English grammar and usage.

1. Label words within sentences as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

1. Grade parts of speech exercises.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 6

Parts of Speech

Synthesis of Ideas

Grammar and Usage


Synthesis and Connection of Ideas


1. Identify parts of speech to show understanding of English grammar and usage.

2. Read articles and connect main ideas

1. Label words within sentences as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

2. Compare main ideas in “Double Daddy,” “Diary of a Mad Blender,” and “The Child’s View of Working Parents.”

1. Grade parts of speech test.

2. Grade graphic organizer that shows synthesis and connection of ideas.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 7

Synthesis of Ideas

Context Clues

“Everyday Use”

Synthesis and Connection of Ideas


Key ideas and textual support


Context Clues


1. Read articles and connect main ideas.

2. Develop vocabulary through the use of context clues.

3. Cite evidence to support main ideas in a text.

1. Evaluate arguments and claims in “Double Daddy,” “Diary of a Mad Blender,” and “The Child’s View of Working Parents” through writing.

2. Determine word meanings in “Everyday Use” using context clues.

3. Analyze “Everyday Use” for main ideas.

1. Grade evaluation of claims.

2. Grade vocabulary exercise.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 8

“Everyday Use”


Analyze Character


Context Clues


1. Analyze how characters develop plot and relationships with other characters.

2. Develop vocabulary through the use of context clues.

1. Identify examples of direct and indirect characterization in “Everyday Use.”

2. Demonstrate understanding of main ideas and character development within “Everyday Use” by answering questions.

3. Revise “Everyday Use” reading comprehension questions.

4. Evaluate understanding of vocabulary, main ideas and characterization within “Everyday Use” by completing a test.

1. Grade characterization chart.

2. Grade reading comprehension questions.

3. Grade “Everyday Use” test.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 9

Research Paper

Write Arguments


Research Process


1. Create research papers that introduce and support arguments.

2. Document sources using MLA.

1. Choose research paper topic.

2. Support research topic with 10 sources.

3. Cite sources using MLA.

4. Create a research paper outline.

1. Complete exit slip using Socrative.

2. Peer-edit outline.

Week 10

Research Paper

Research Process


Writing Process


1. Document sources using MLA.

2. Use the writing process to revise research paper outline.

1. Create a works cited page.

2. Edit research paper outline and works cited page for spelling, punctuation, organization, and MLA.

3. Demonstrate knowledge of MLA by completing a quiz.

1. Peer-edit research outline and works cited page.

2. Participate in student-teacher writing conferences.

3. Grade MLA quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 11

Research Paper Presentation

Research Process


Listen Actively


1. Plan and create a digital presentation of research outline that contains proper grammar, MLA, and a clear beginning, middle, and end.

2. Use the writing process to revise research paper presentation.

3. Listen actively to presentations and communicate main ideas in writing.

1. Create research paper presentation using PowerPoint or Keynote.

2. Edit research paper presentation for spelling, punctuation, organization, and MLA.

3. Present research paper using PowerPoint or Keynote.

4. Listen to and record details about research paper presentations.

1. Peer-edit research paper presentation.

2. Grade research paper presentations.

3. Assign grade for recording details about research paper presentation using Socrative.

Week 12

Research Paper Presentation

Prepositional Phrases



Listen Actively


1. Present information and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically.

2. Listen actively to presentations and communicate ideas in writing.

3. Recognize prepositional phrases in writing to show understanding of English grammar and usage.

1. Present research paper using PowerPoint or Keynote.

2. Listen to and record details about research paper presentations.

3. Identify prepositional phrases within sentences.

1. Grade research paper presentations.

2. Record details about research paper presentation using Socrative.

3. Grade prepositional phrases quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 13

Fall Break

Fall Break

Fall Break

Fall Break

Fall Break

Week 14

“Cold Equations”

Context Clues


Effects created through points of view


1. Develop vocabulary through use of context clues.

2. Understand how the author creates effects, such as suspense, through different points of view.

1. Determine word meanings through the use of context clues.

2. Read and analyze “Cold Equations” for third person limited point of view, tone, plot, and suspense.

1. Grade fill in the blank vocabulary activity.

2.Participate in whole class discussion and complete active reading chart.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 15

“Cold Equations”


Effects created through points of view




Understand how the author creates effects, such as suspense, through different points of view.

Recognize and use phrases in writing to demonstrate understanding of English grammar and usage

1. Complete “Cold Equations” reading comprehension questions.

2. Revise ‘Cold Equations” reading comprehension questions.

3. Demonstrate understanding of point of view, tone, plot, and suspense within “Cold Equations” By completing a test.

4. Identify participle phrases in writing.

1. Grade reading comprehension questions.

2. Grade test.

3. Correct grammar exercise.

Week 16

Phrases and Clauses

Phrases and Clauses


Recognize and use phrases and clauses in writing to demonstrate understanding of English grammar and usage.

1. Identify participle, gerund, and infinitive phrases in writing.

2. Differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses within sentences.

1. Correct grammar exercises.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 17

Phrases and Clauses


Phrases and Clauses


Recognize and use phrases and clauses in writing to demonstrate understanding of English grammar and usage.

1. Identify participle, gerund, and infinitive phrases in writing.

2. Differentiate between independent and subordinate clauses within sentences. 3.Differentiate between different types of phrases and clauses within sentences on a test.

1. Grade grammar exercises and test.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 18


Typhoid Fever

Context Clues


Key Ideas and textual Support




Synthesis and Connection of Ideas

9-10. RN.4.1

1. Develop vocabulary through use of context clues.

2. Analyze the way voice, diction, tone, and choice of narrator affect characterization of plot.

3. Assess whether author’s reasoning within a text is valid.

1. Complete fill in the blank sentence activity.

2. Cite examples of voice, diction, and tone from Typhoid Fever that support characterization and plot development.

3. Cite examples from Typhoid Fever that reveal author’s credibility.

4. Answer reading comprehension questions.

5. Demonstrate understanding of Typhoid Fever by completing a quiz.

1. Grade vocabulary activity.

2. Assess student understanding of reading through whole class discussion and guided reading activities.

3. Revise reading comprehension questions through whole class discussion.

4. Grade Quiz.

5. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 19


By Any Other Name

Context Clues


Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Develop vocabulary through use of context clues.

2. Analyze the methods writers use to reveal character.

1. Complete fill in the blank sentence activity.

2. Cite examples of direct and indirect characterization within By Any Other Name.

3. Demonstrate understanding of By Any Other Name by completing a quiz.

1. Grade vocabulary.

2. Grade characterization chart.

3. Grade quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 20

Final Exam Preparation

Context Clues


Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Develop vocabulary through the use of context clues.

2. Analyze a text for main ideas.

1. Complete study guide for final exam.

2. Complete final exam.

1. Grade final exam.

Second Semester

Week 1

Informative Essay

Use the Writing Process to Plan and Revise essay


Write an Informative Essay


1. Plan, develop, and revise an informative essay.

2. Write an informative essay that introduces and supports a topic, includes transitions, includes content specific vocabulary, and includes a conclusion.

1. Create an outline of informative essay.

2. Use outline to write a draft of informative essay.

3. Edit informative essay for capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and organization.

1. Edit outlines and drafts of informative essays.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 2

Informative Essay

Subject/verb Agreement

Use the Writing Process to Pan and Revise


English Grammar and Usage


1. Revise an informative essay.

2. Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage.

1. Edit informative essay for capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and organization.

2. Identify subjects as singular or plural.

3. Select verbs that agree with subjects.

4. Choose verbs that agree with subjects.

5. Demonstrate understanding of subject/verb agreement by completing a quiz.

1. Edit outlines and drafts of informative essays.

2. Grade informative essays.

3. Grade subject/verb agreement exercises.

4. Grade quiz.

5. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 3

Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement

English Grammar and Usage


1. Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage.

1. Correct sentences that contain pronoun/ antecedent agreement errors.

2. Choose pronouns that agree with their antecedents.

3. Demonstrate understand of pronoun/antecedent agreement by completing a quiz.

1. Grade grammar exercises.

2. Grade Quiz.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 4

Subject/Verb and Pronoun/Antecedent Agreement

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act I

English grammar and Usage


Key Ideas and Textual Support

9-10. RL.2.1

Synthesis and Connection of Ideas


Structural Elements and Organization


1. Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage

2. Analyze how a literary work draws on a pattern of events.

3. Analyze how an author structures a work (exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution).

4. Cite evidence to support analysis of what a text says.

1. Review subject/verb and pronoun/ antecedent agreement in preparation for test.

2. Complete subject/verb agreement and pronoun/antecedent agreement test.

3. Watch and take notes on a video about the life of Shakespeare and the events that shaped the play Julius Caesar.

4. Demonstrate understanding of the structure of dramatic literature by defining and taking a quiz on key terms (tragedy, tragic flaw, exposition, rising action, crisis or turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution).

5. Cite evidence on a graphic organizer to support relationships between characters in the exposition of Julius Caesar.

1. Grade Test.

2. Grade vocabulary Quiz.

3. Discuss active reading charts.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 5

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act II

Structural Elements and Organization

9-10.RL.3.1 and 9-10.RL.3.2

Key Ideas and Textual Support

9-10.RL.2.1 and 9-10.RL.2.3

1. Analyze how an author structures a work (exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution).

2. Cite evidence to support analysis of what a text says.

3. Analyze how dynamic characters advance plot.

1. Paraphrase Brutus’ soliloquy to determine rising action and suspense within Julius Caesar.

2. Record main ideas relating to plot and character development on a graphic organizer.

3. Cite evidence on a graphic organizer to support how the author creates suspense through the use of dramatic irony.

4. Complete reading comprehension questions.

5. Demonstrate understanding of Julius Caesar Acts I and II by completing a quiz.

1. Discuss paraphrase and active reading charts.

2. Revise reading comprehension questions during whole class discussion.

3. Grade Quiz

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 6

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act III

Structural Elements and Organization

9-10. RL.3.1

Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Analyze how an author structures a work (exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution, manipulation of time).

2. Cite evidence to support analysis of what a text says.

3. Analyze how dynamic characters advance plot.

1. Predict the turning points in Julius Caesar Act III.

2. Record on a graphic organizer events related to character and plot development and foreshadowing.

3. Complete reading comprehension questions.

1. Discuss active reading charts.

2. Revise reading comprehension questions during class discussion.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative

Week 7

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act IV

Structural Elements and Organization

9-10. RL.3.1

Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Analyze how an author structures a work (exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution).

2. Cite evidence to support analysis of what a text says.

3. Analyze how dynamic characters advance plot.

1. Cite evidence from Act IV to support falling action.

2. Complete reading comprehension questions.

3. Demonstrate understanding of Julius Caesar Acts III and IV by completing a quiz.

1. Discuss active reading charts.

2. Revise answers to reading comprehension questions during whole class discussion.

3. Grade quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 8

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act V

Structural Elements and Organization

9-10. RL.3.1

Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Analyze how an author structures a work (exposition, rising action, turning point, falling action, climax, and resolution).

2. Cite evidence to support analysis of what a text says.

3. Analyze how dynamic characters advance plot.

1. Paraphrase passages that reveal the climax/resolution of the play.

2. Complete reading comprehension questions.

3. Demonstrate understanding of Julius Caesar Act V by completing a quiz.

1. Revise answers to reading comprehension questions during whole class discussion.

2. Grade quiz.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 9


English Grammar and Usage


1. Form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive moods.

1. Identify mood forms of verbs within sentences.

2. Create sentences that contain different mood forms of verbs.

3. Demonstrate understanding of verb mood forms by completing a test.

1. Grade grammar exercises.

2. Grade test.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 10

End of grading period


Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Analyze and explain the different forms of poetry and poetic devices, including imagery, figurative language, and sounds of poetry.

1. Find examples of descriptive language within “Small Portions” and “A Storm in the Mountains” that appeals to the senses.

2. Find examples of descriptive and figurative language within “Simile,” “Since Feeling is First,” “Heart! We Will Forget Him,” and “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day?”

1. Grade poetry assignments.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 11


Key Ideas and Textual Support


1. Analyze and explain the different forms of poetry and poetic devices, including imagery, figurative language, and sounds of poetry.

1. Find examples of descriptive and figurative language and sound devices within “Ex-Basketball Player.”

2. Identify the structure and characteristics of the ballad “Bonny Barbara Allen.”

1. Grade poetry assignments.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 12

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Week 13

Poetry Writing and Presenting

Plan and Develop a Draft


Write a Poem


Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas


Listen Actively


1. Organize ideas before writing a final draft.

2. Write in a variety of forms.

3. Present information clearly, concisely, and logically.

4. Listen actively to a speaker.

1. Plan a description poem.

2.Describe a person using sensory, factual, and figurative details.

3. Present descriptive poem to the class.

4. Listen actively to presentation and communicate main ideas in writing.

1. Grade Poem.

2. Assign grade for listening component to presentation.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 14


Grammar and Usage



1. Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage.

1. Add commas to sentences to separate items in a series and two or more adjectives preceding a noun.

2. Add commas to sentences to separate independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions.

3. Add commas to set off nonessential phrases and clauses.

4. Add commas after introductory elements.

5. Add commas to sentences to set off nonessential appositives and appositive phrases.

1. Grade comma exercises.

2. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 15


Grammar and Usage



1. Demonstrate command of English grammar and usage.

1. Use commas to separate items in dates and addresses.

2. Use a comma after the salutation and the closing of a letter.

3. Use a comma to set off an abbreviation.

4. Demonstrate understanding of comma placement by completing a test.

1. Grade comma exercises.

2. Grade comma test.

3. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 16


Letters 1-4



Key Ideas and Textual Support




1. Use context clues to develop vocabulary.

2. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

3. Analyze the development of two or more themes.

4. Analyze how characters develop and advance plot.

1. Form/share opinions about statements on anticipation guide.

2. Create concept maps for vocabulary words.

3. Complete active reading chart while reading Letters 1-4.

4. Demonstrate understanding of vocabulary words by completing a quiz.

1. Discuss answers to anticipation guide and active reading chart.

2. Grade concept maps.

3. Grade vocabulary quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 17


Chapters 1-10



Key Ideas and Textual Support




1. Use context clues to develop vocabulary.

2. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

3. Analyze how characters develop and advance plot.

1. Create concept maps for vocabulary words.

2. Complete active reading chart while reading chapters 1-10.

3. Describe characters’ personalities.

1. Grade concept maps.

2. Discuss active reading charts.

3. Complete a vocabulary quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 18


Chapters 11-16



Key Ideas and Textual Support



1. Use context clues to develop vocabulary.

2. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

1. Create concept maps for vocabulary words.

2. Complete active reading chart while reading chapters 11-16.

1. Grade concept maps.

2. Discuss active reading charts.

3. Complete a vocabulary quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 19

Chapters 17-21



Key Ideas and Textual Support



1. Use context clues to develop vocabulary.

2. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

1. Trace main events, including climax/turning point, in the novel.

1. Grade concept maps.

2. Discuss active reading chart (Trace events).

3. Complete a vocabulary quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 20


Chapters 22-24



Key Ideas and Textual Support



1. Use context clues to develop vocabulary.

2. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

1. Create concept maps for vocabulary.

2. Record statements that reveal characters’ motives.

1. Grade concept maps.

2. Discuss active reading chart (Motives).

3. Complete a vocabulary quiz.

4. Complete exit ticket using Socrative.

Week 21


Final Exam

Textual Support



1. Cite evidence to support what a text says.

1. Respond to Frankenstein reading comprehension questions.

2. Complete final exam study guide.

3. Complete final exam.

1. Revise answers to reading comprehension questions and study guide.

2. Grade final exam.

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