Curriculum Map

Curriculum Map

Algebra 2 Curriculum Map

Algebra 2 Curriculum Map



Benchmarks SWBAT (Students will be able to)





Linear Equations

1.  Determine whether a function is linear or not based on its characteristics.

2.  Graph a line through a point that is either parallel or perpendicular to a given equation of a line.

3.  Write the equation of a line in slope intercept form given various information.

4.  Graph horizontal and vertical lines while understanding their characteristics.

5.  WEL w/rate given word problem.

Warm ups:

1.     add/subtract integers

2.     Multiply/divide integers

3.     Add/subtract fractions

4.     Multiply fractions

5.     Add/subtract Decimals

Notes will be given over each benchmark using the gradual release method. 

Relating vertical and horizontal lines.  Understanding parallel and perpendicular lines on a graph.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Based on homework and the weekly quiz, additional activities may be added to the next week to review.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

A weekly quiz will be given over the benchmarks for that week.  An average goal will be set and tracked.



Solving Linear Equations

Real numbers and expressions

1.  Percent proportion

2.  Use technology to find the line of best fit.

3.  Multi-step equations

4.  Solve literal equations

5.  Domain, range, function, and inverse of a relation

Warm ups:

1.     Explain adding integers

2.     Explain adding integers

3.     Explain multiply/divide integers

4.     Domain/Range/Function?

5.     Distribute and combine

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Understanding percent problems for real life.  Use graphing calculator to find line of best fit.  Domain, range, function, and inverse of a relation.

Kahoot review 1-10

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will be a cumulative quiz with the 1st weeks benchmarks and the 2nd weeks benchmarks.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.  This allows students another chance at the 1st objectives.



1.  Function notation

2.  add, subtract, multiply, and divide expressions that are in function notation.

3.  Composition of functions like f(g(x)).

4.  Find the inverse of a function.

5.  Piece-wise functions

Warm ups:

1.     Add/subtract polynomials

2.     Factor out GCF

3.     Solve one step equations

4.     More one step equations

5.     Solving multi-step equations

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Understand and use function notation.  Graphing functions with constraints of different equations.

Explain absolute value on a number line to show 2 solutions.

Give examples of how slopes are used in the world.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will again be cumulative and incorporate the first 2 week’s benchmarks plus this week’s.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.



Real numbers and expressions

Systems of equations

1.  Intro to parent functions

2.  Use technology to solve system of equations by graphing.

3.  Factoring GCF and diamond factoring

4.  Solving absolute value functions

5.  Very basic solving systems with 3 unknowns

Warm ups:

1.     Multi-step equations

2.     Special solutions when solving multi-step equations

3.     Solving Proportions

4.     Solving Proportions

5.     Classifying numbers

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Using the TI-84 to graph and understand parent functions.  Intro to solving systems with 3 unknowns.

Use area/perimeter example of numbers to explain how to use Punnett square. 

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will include all 20 objectives from the 1st 9 weeks.  An average goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Review of 1st 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments. 

Warm ups:

1.     Slope formula

2.     WEL

3.     4 steps to solve multi-step equation

4.     Real life slope examples

5.     Multiply Binomials

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 1st 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first quiz over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous score.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Review of 2nd 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments

Warm ups:

1.     Distributive property w/exponents

2.     Dividing polynomials by monomials

3.     Simplify square roots

4.     Evaluate with function notation

5.     Distribute and combine LT’s

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 2nd 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first 2 quizzes over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous scores.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Based on test data, students will be working on topics they are still struggling with in small groups.

Warm ups:

1.     Plotting points

2.     Absolute value equations

3.     Punnett square/combine like terms

4.     Distribute

5.     Word Problem

Students will be working in small groups with me coming around to help them.  The amount of work will be individualized for each kid, based on test data. Students who have mastered certain objectives will be used in peer tutoring.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

At the end of the week another quiz will be given over all 20 objectives.  If the score is higher, then it will replace the lower ones. 


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

By week 8, most should have about 80% or more of the topics mastered.  Using test data, I will see what else needs to be reviewed.  I am also going to have some enrichment problems for them to do.  These are problems that use the objectives they have learned, but apply them in a word problem to see if they can pull out the information.

Warm ups:

1.     Fundamental counting principle

2.     Solving equations

3.     Area analysis

4.     Evaluate

5.     Word problem

The day before the quiz we will play kahoot. 

Some students will still be working with me, while others will be doing some enrichment problems to try to expand on this 9 weeks topic.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Another quiz will be given.  Keep in mind the quizzes do progressively get a little bit harder as we move through the 9 weeks.  This is to keep it from being too easy for those that pick it up really quickly.

Kahoot will be used for extra credit for the top 5 scores


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Although this is the last 9 weeks with these 20 concepts, they will reappear throughout the year.  Each 9 weeks takes them a step further or applies them differently.  This is why the 1st 9 weeks is so important to get that foundation for the rest of the year.

Warm ups:

1.     Word Problem

2.     Mental Math

3.     Prime numbers

4.     Slope formula

5.     Classify numbers

Will be individualizing instruction using peer tutoring, small group work, or other options to try to get the last few students up to par.  

If that isn’t needed, then we will do some enrichment problems.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Pardon quiz over all 20 objectives.  The pardon quiz again will replace all lower quiz scores



Linear Equations

1.  Apply transformation of parent functions with graphs.

2.   Solve absolute value with extraneous solutions.

3.  Solving systems w/elimination.

4.  Properties of a quadratic.

5.  Solve quadratics using square root.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Notes will be given over each benchmark using the gradual release method. 

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Using the TI-84 to look at transformations.  Understand that now all “solutions” fit absolute value equations.

Based on homework and the weekly quiz, additional activities may be added to the next week to review.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

A weekly quiz will be given over the benchmarks for that week.  An average goal will be set and tracked.



Solving Linear Equations

Real numbers and expressions

1.  Variety of factoring.

2.  Solve quadratic by factoring.

3.  Find zeros of a parabola.

4.  Quadratic formula.

5.  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers.

Warm ups:

6.     ISTEP problem

7.     ISTEP Problem

8.     ISTEP Problem

9.     ISTEP Problem

10. ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Fully understanding quadratics.  Understanding imaginary numbers.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will be a cumulative quiz with the 1st weeks benchmarks and the 2nd weeks benchmarks.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.  This allows students another chance at the 1st objectives.



1.  More operations of functions.

2.  Write a polynomial function given zeros.

3.  Evaluate functions.

4.  Divide polynomials using long division.

5.  Divide polynomials using synthetic division.

Warm ups:

6.     ISTEP problem

7.     ISTEP Problem

8.     ISTEP Problem

9.     ISTEP Problem

10. ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Relate old long division to polynomial division.  Understanding how zeros relate to possible degree of a function.

Explain absolute value on a number line to show 2 solutions.

Give examples of how slopes are used in the world.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will again be cumulative and incorporate the first 2 week’s benchmarks plus this week’s.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.



Real numbers and expressions

Systems of equations

1.  More Composition of functions.

2.  SS w/3unknonwns using basic elimination.

3.  Understanding exponential growth and decay.

4.  Population growth.

5.  Compounding Interest

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Real life exponential equations.  Stepping up difficulty level of SS w/3 unknowns.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will include all 20 objectives from the 1st 9 weeks.  An average goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Review of 1st 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments. 

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 1st 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first quiz over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous score.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Review of 2nd 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 2nd 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first 2 quizzes over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous scores.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Based on test data, students will be working on topics they are still struggling with in small groups.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Students will be working in small groups with me coming around to help them.  The amount of work will be individualized for each kid, based on test data. Students who have mastered certain objectives will be used in peer tutoring.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

At the end of the week another quiz will be given over all 20 objectives.  If the score is higher, then it will replace the lower ones. 


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

By week 8, most should have about 80% or more of the topics mastered.  Using test data, I will see what else needs to be reviewed.  I am also going to have some enrichment problems for them to do.  These are problems that use the objectives they have learned, but apply them in a word problem to see if they can pull out the information.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

The day before the quiz we will play kahoot. 

Some students will still be working with me, while others will be doing some enrichment problems to try to expand on this 9 weeks topic.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Another quiz will be given.  Keep in mind the quizzes do progressively get a little bit harder as we move through the 9 weeks.  This is to keep it from being too easy for those that pick it up really quickly.

Kahoot will be used for extra credit for the top 5 scores


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Although this is the last 9 weeks with these 20 concepts, they will reappear throughout the year.  Each 9 weeks takes them a step further or applies them differently.  This is why the 1st 9 weeks is so important to get that foundation for the rest of the year.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Will be individualizing instruction using peer tutoring, small group work, or other options to try to get the last few students up to par.  

If that isn’t needed, then we will do some enrichment problems.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Pardon quiz over all 20 objectives.  The pardon quiz again will replace all lower quiz scores



Linear Equations

1.  Sequences

2.  Arithmetic Sequence

3.  Geometric Sequence

4.  Multiplying Complex Numbers

5.  Dividing complex numbers

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Notes will be given over each benchmark using the gradual release method. 

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Persevering through sequences. 

Based on homework and the weekly quiz, additional activities may be added to the next week to review.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

A weekly quiz will be given over the benchmarks for that week.  An average goal will be set and tracked.



Solving Linear Equations

Real numbers and expressions

1.  SS w/3 unknowns

2.  Synthetic Division

3.  Divide polynomials by factoring

4.  Simplify square roots with exponents

5.  Multiply and simplify square roots

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Solving systems w/3 unknowns level 3. 

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will be a cumulative quiz with the 1st weeks benchmarks and the 2nd weeks benchmarks.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.  This allows students another chance at the 1st objectives.



1.  Solve radical equations

2.  Add rational expressions

3.  Solve basic logarithms

4.  Add matrices

5.  Scalar multiplication of matrices

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Review add fractions.  Beginning matrices and explain relevance towards linear programming.

Explain absolute value on a number line to show 2 solutions.

Give examples of how slopes are used in the world.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will again be cumulative and incorporate the first 2 week’s benchmarks plus this week’s.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.



Real numbers and expressions

Systems of equations

1.  Mean, Median, Mode

2.  Experimental probability

3.  Theoretical probability

4.  Fundamental counting principle

5.  Permutations

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Data analysis and statistics discussed.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will include all 20 objectives from the 1st 9 weeks.  An average goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Review of 1st 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments. 

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 1st 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first quiz over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous score.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Review of 2nd 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 2nd 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first 2 quizzes over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous scores.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Based on test data, students will be working on topics they are still struggling with in small groups.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Students will be working in small groups with me coming around to help them.  The amount of work will be individualized for each kid, based on test data. Students who have mastered certain objectives will be used in peer tutoring.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

At the end of the week another quiz will be given over all 20 objectives.  If the score is higher, then it will replace the lower ones. 


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

By week 8, most should have about 80% or more of the topics mastered.  Using test data, I will see what else needs to be reviewed.  I am also going to have some enrichment problems for them to do.  These are problems that use the objectives they have learned, but apply them in a word problem to see if they can pull out the information.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

The day before the quiz we will play kahoot. 

Some students will still be working with me, while others will be doing some enrichment problems to try to expand on this 9 weeks topic.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Another quiz will be given.  Keep in mind the quizzes do progressively get a little bit harder as we move through the 9 weeks.  This is to keep it from being too easy for those that pick it up really quickly.

Kahoot will be used for extra credit for the top 5 scores


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Although this is the last 9 weeks with these 20 concepts, they will reappear throughout the year.  Each 9 weeks takes them a step further or applies them differently.  This is why the 1st 9 weeks is so important to get that foundation for the rest of the year.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Will be individualizing instruction using peer tutoring, small group work, or other options to try to get the last few students up to par.  

If that isn’t needed, then we will do some enrichment problems.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Pardon quiz over all 20 objectives.  The pardon quiz again will replace all lower quiz scores



Linear Equations

1.  Understand fractional exponents.

2.  Add rational expressions w/binomials in denominator.

3.  Multiply or divide polynomials by factoring.

4.  Sum of finite arithmetic series

5.  Sigma notation arithmetic series

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Notes will be given over each benchmark using the gradual release method. 

Fractions with expressions.  Sum of series.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Based on homework and the weekly quiz, additional activities may be added to the next week to review.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

A weekly quiz will be given over the benchmarks for that week.  An average goal will be set and tracked.



Solving Linear Equations

Real numbers and expressions

1.  Sum of geometric series.

2.  Multiplication property of logs.

3.  Division property of logs.

4.  Exponent property of logs.

5.  Use log properties to solve logarithmic equations.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Series and understanding logarithms.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will be a cumulative quiz with the 1st weeks benchmarks and the 2nd weeks benchmarks.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.  This allows students another chance at the 1st objectives.



1.  Change of base to solve exponential equations.

2.  Simplify square roots w/even and odd exponents.

3.  Multiply 2 by 2 matrices.

4.  Understanding discriminant.

5.  Using graphs to estimate important information.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Matrix multiplication rule.  Change of base using “e” or logarithms.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will again be cumulative and incorporate the first 2 week’s benchmarks plus this week’s.  Again an average goal will be set and tracked.



Real numbers and expressions

Systems of equations

1.  Solve quadratics by completing the square.

2.  Write equations of circles.

3.  Binomial Theorem

4.  Proability

5.  SS w/3 unknown word problems.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Depending on last weeks quiz results, re-teaching or extra practice may be necessary.

Understanding the two basic things needed to write an equation of a line.

Complete square to use square root method.  Pascal’s triangle for the binomial expansion.

Notes/examples will be given on each benchmark.

Students will have the opportunity to put answers on the board and share their answers.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Notes will be 5 points a section

Homework will be given after each benchmark.

This week’s quiz will include all 20 objectives from the 1st 9 weeks.  An average goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Review of 1st 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments. 

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 1st 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first quiz over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous score.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Review of 2nd 10 benchmarks using GoFormative Assignments

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

GoFormative assignments will be used to review the 2nd 10 benchmarks.  It provides immediate feedback.  Students will work in pairs to complete an average of 2-3 benchmarks a day with 100% accuracy.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

GoFormative assignments will be worth 5 points each

Another quiz will be given over all 20 concepts to see if they can improve their score from the first 2 quizzes over all 20.  If score is better, then it will replace the previous scores.  A goal will be set and tracked.


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Based on test data, students will be working on topics they are still struggling with in small groups.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Students will be working in small groups with me coming around to help them.  The amount of work will be individualized for each kid, based on test data. Students who have mastered certain objectives will be used in peer tutoring.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

At the end of the week another quiz will be given over all 20 objectives.  If the score is higher, then it will replace the lower ones. 


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

By week 8, most should have about 80% or more of the topics mastered.  Using test data, I will see what else needs to be reviewed.  I am also going to have some enrichment problems for them to do.  These are problems that use the objectives they have learned, but apply them in a word problem to see if they can pull out the information.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

The day before the quiz we will play kahoot. 

Some students will still be working with me, while others will be doing some enrichment problems to try to expand on this 9 weeks topic.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Another quiz will be given.  Keep in mind the quizzes do progressively get a little bit harder as we move through the 9 weeks.  This is to keep it from being too easy for those that pick it up really quickly.

Kahoot will be used for extra credit for the top 5 scores


Real Numbers and Expressions

Solving Linear Equations


Systems of equations

Although this is the last 9 weeks with these 20 concepts, they will reappear throughout the year.  Each 9 weeks takes them a step further or applies them differently.  This is why the 1st 9 weeks is so important to get that foundation for the rest of the year.

Warm ups:

1.     ISTEP problem

2.     ISTEP Problem

3.     ISTEP Problem

4.     ISTEP Problem

5.     ISTEP Problem

Will be individualizing instruction using peer tutoring, small group work, or other options to try to get the last few students up to par.  

If that isn’t needed, then we will do some enrichment problems.

Warm ups will be included in the HOW grade

Pardon quiz over all 20 objectives.  The pardon quiz again will replace all lower quiz scores

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