1:1 Initiative

1:1 Initiative

Technology Initiative

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SCSD1 believes that all learn differently and technology can enhance the learning experience. We will implement and integrate technology to facilitate learning so that students have the knowledge and skills to be productive in our global society.
Scott County School District 1 has a blended approach in 21st century learning. We feel that a well-balanced digital and face-to-face instruction is key to having successful students K-12.

Devices Used at SCSD1:

Kindergarten: iPad 6th Generation

1st-12th: Chromebooks 

Teachers: MacBook Air, Projector, Document Camera, & SmartBoard


SCSD1 reflects the TPACK model – merging pedagogical, teaching and technology skills which creates higher student achievement by:

  • Teachers facilitating learning and students are working collaboratively (from local to global)

  • Moving teaching beyond content delivery and enrich learning activities to include more creation, critique, and collaboration

  • Continuing to expand the teachers' ability to use technology to facilitate learning by adapting curriculum, establishing a digital culture, improving student achievement by enhancing critical thinking skills, and cultivating digital citizenship

  • Google Classroom is our Learning Management System (LMS) for digital learning

  • Ongoing professional development training teachers through various options (Social Media, TIS Website, one on one sessions, small group sessions, and tiered training sessions meeting the needs of the individual teachers) to support digitally trained teachers

  • Continuing to establish digital content in each discipline
Digital Citizenship 2016 Video


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SCSD1: 21st Century Learning


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