Digital Applications and Responsibility

Digital Applications and Responsibility

Digital Applications and Responsibility

This course prepares students to use technology in an effective and appropriate manner in school, in a job, or everyday life. Students develop skills related to word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and communications software. Students learn what it means to be a good digital citizen and how to use technology, including social media responsibly. Students expand their knowledge of how to use digital devices and software to build decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Digital Application & Responsibility Curriculum Map

Semester 1



Matched To Standard


Students will be able to…

Activities/ Instructional Strategy

Students will…




1 - 3

DAR - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Using appropriate handling and use of supplies and equipment, practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the professional practices

· Apply an understanding of plagiarism and fair use; respect copyright laws of information producers such as authors and artists, including website developers

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and videos over

o Social Media

o Online Cruelty

o Fair Use vs Copyright

· Participate in class discussion

Independent Practice

· Work individually and in groups to complete activities

· Complete weekly projects

o Personal Animoto

o Vegetarian Billboard


Daily Exit Slip Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion


Unit I Test

Animoto Project

Billboard Project


4 - 5

DAR - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Using appropriate handling and use of supplies and equipment, practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the professional practices

· Apply an understanding of plagiarism and fair use; respect copyright laws of information producers such as authors and artists, including website developers

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and videos over

o Online Ethics

o Self-worth/Depiction

o Online Communities

· Participate in class discussion

Independent Practice

· Work individually and in groups to complete activities

· Complete weekly projects

o Personal Avatar

o Website Project


Daily Exit Slip Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion


Unit II Test

Avatar Project

Website Project


6 - 7

DAR - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Using appropriate handling and use of supplies and equipment, practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the professional practices

· Apply an understanding of plagiarism and fair use; respect copyright laws of information producers such as authors and artists, including website developers

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and videos over

o Online Cruelty

o Internet Privacy Laws

o Web Celebs

o Online Footprints

· Participate in class discussion

Independent Practice

· Work individually and in groups to complete activities

· Complete weekly projects



Daily Exit Slip Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion


Unit III Test


8 - 9

DAR - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Using appropriate handling and use of supplies and equipment, practice respectful and responsible use of technology through abiding by the professional practices

· Apply an understanding of plagiarism and fair use; respect copyright laws of information producers such as authors and artists, including website developers

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and videos over

o Implications of negative online information

o Hate Speech

o Digital image manipulation

· Participate in class discussion

Independent Practice

· Work individually and in groups to complete activities

· Complete weekly projects

o Digital Image Enhancement

o Collective intelligence Project


Daily Exit Slip Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion


Unit IV Test

Photoshop Image Enhancement Project

Collective Intelligence Project


10 - 13

DAR- 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Create and manage master documents and subdocuments by using various edit tools, formatting tools, and templates

· Use advanced features to create combo boxes, macros, newsletters with mastheads, multi-column brochures, multi-page books, forms wizards, composition, table of contents, and mail merge

· Explain the use of various document types and how they related to different situations

· Demonstrate saving, opening, and finding files in various formats and the ability to follow instructions

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and demonstration working with Microsoft Windows and Advanced Windows applications

· Daily practice correct typing and timed typing tests

o Add footnotes, Site documents, and create a Bibliography

o Create a business letter

o Business letter head

o Create a document with title page, lists, tables, and watermark.

o Create a resume with hyperlink and webpage of resume and mailing labels

Independent Practice

· Work individually and complete activities to demonstrate knowledge

· Weekly projects

o Found Dog

o Lab Flyer

o Research Paper

o Create a business letter

o Business letter head


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion

Guided Projects

Found Dog

Research Paper

Heartland Tractor

All Seasons Health Club


Individual Projects

Multicolumn Brochure


Lab Flyer

Research Paper

Business Letter Lab

Advanced Business Letter Lab


14 - 18

DAR- 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4

· Apply technology as a means to create business, industry, and professional tasks and develop strategies for solving problems

· Use appropriate technology to plan, develop, edit and present material to different types of audiences both in a group or individually

· Integrate information and communication technology to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement procedures to monitor information, set timelines, and evaluate progress toward the solution

· Demonstrate how electronic presentations are created

· Apply Industry design guidelines to create, manipulate and enhance visual presentations

· Demonstrate presentation skills by creating well-organized, audience-appropriate presentations such as informative, entertaining, instructional, while using proper public speaking techniques

· Create a stand-alone presentation with video, embedded objects, specialized features, by modifying and designing templates

Guided Practice

· Class instruction and demonstration using Microsoft PowerPoint and Advanced PowerPoint techniques

· Daily practice of correct typing and timed typing tests

o Create a slide show presentation.

o Manage theme, format, Create new slide Insert clip art

o Manage theme, format background, pictures, use word art

o Remake a picture by grouping, editing and regroup colors

o Edit a given slideshow presentation by adding sound, pictures and reformatting

Independent Practice

· Work individually and complete activities to demonstrate knowledge

· Weekly projects

o Create a similar PowerPoint in a Lab using the skills already obtained


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion

Easy Being Green PP

Yoga and Meditation


Bird PP

Carbon Footprint Analysis


Basic PP Lab

Intermediate PP Lab

Advanced PP Lab

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Semester 2



1 - 9

DAR- 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

= Use industry terminology when using spreadsheet software

  • Apply relative, absolute, mixed cell references and advanced features (i.e. naming ranges; track, accept and reject changes; formatting, filtering and protection) in formulas and printing

  • Create and evaluate formulas and functions; customize formats; pivot tables and charts; and edit and run command buttons, macros and macros with buttons

  • Edit and label chart components (i.e. axis, legends, titles, and databases)

  • Link and merge worksheets/workbooks; importing and exporting data to and from spreadsheets

Guided Practice

= Class instruction and demonstration using Microsoft Excel and Advanced Excel techniques

= Daily bell ringers to reinforce concepts

o Create spreadsheets.

o Create, manipulate and evaluate basic and advanced formulas and functions in a spreadsheet.

o Format spreadsheets and cells

o Create charts using the data

o Apply conditional formatting

Independent Practice

= Work individually and complete activities to demonstrate knowledge

= Weekly projects

o Create a similar Spreadsheet in a Lab using the skills already obtained


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion

Basic Spreadsheet

Intermediate Spreadsheet

Advanced Spreadsheet


Basic Excel Lab

Intermediate Excel Lab

Modern Music Shop’s 6 Month Financial Projections

Advanced Excel Lab

Loan Payment Calculator

Retirement Savings Account Calculator

Scholarship Fundraiser

Excel Test


10 - 14

DAR- 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 8.2

  • Create database objects such as tables, forms and queries

  • Use advanced functions to filter, extract, and split databases and cross reference

  • Use a database application software to create or modify a database structure, enter records in a database, create reports, sort and index a database

  • Use operating system utilities to control the operation of the computer

Guided Practice

= Class instruction and demonstration using Microsoft Access and Advanced Access techniques

= Daily bell ringers to reinforce concepts

o Create Databases

o Create and view a parameter query in a database

Use a number and comparison operator in a criterion

Use filter by Selections

Toggle/clear filter

Advanced filter and sort

Add a new field

Create a lookup field

Add a calculated field

Modify single or multivalued lookup fields

Independent Practice

= Work individually and complete activities to demonstrate knowledge

= Weekly projects

Create a similar Database in a Lab using the skills already obtained


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion

Basic Database Creation

Intermediate Database upkeep

Advanced Database


Basic Access Lab

Intermediate Access Lab

Advanced Access Lab

Maintain and restructure Camashaly Database

Access Test


15 - 17

DAR- 6.1, 6.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.7

  • Construct basic HTML5 coding

  • Apply and adapt best practices for internet research

  • Identify the principle hardware components of a microcomputer and describe their functions

  • Use operating system utilities to control the operation of the computer

  • Establish knowledge of computer technology in relationship to networks

Guided Practice

= Class instruction and demonstration using Coding

= Daily bell ringers to reinforce concepts

  • Create drawings and shapes using JavaScript

  • Write text and create images in HTML and CSS code

  • Create an animation with JavaScript

  • Learn the basics to developing a website

Independent Practice

= Work individually and complete activities to demonstrate knowledge


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion

Lines of Code to form a given item


JavaScript Code Quiz

HTML and CSS Code Quiz

Write the code for give parameters



DAR- 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6

  • Identify the principle hardware components of a microcomputer and describe their functions

  • Investigate security risks and how to prevent or resolve security issues

  • Recognize and explain compatibility issues and common errors

  • Assess the risk associated with upgrading technology

  • Identify preventative maintenance products and techniques

Guided Practice

=Introduce Final Project ideas for Technology Components Project

= Daily bell ringers to reinforce concepts

  1. Identify the principle hardware components of a microcomputer

  2. Investigate how to prevent and resolve security risks associated with upgrading technology

  3. Recognize compatibility issues

  4. Identify preventative maintenance products and techniques

Independent Practice

= Work individually researching project ideas

Using a form of technology present research project


Daily Bell Ringer Assessment

Participation in Class Discussion


Technology Components Project



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