Intro to Business

Intro to Business

Introduction to Business

Introduction to Business introduces students to the world of business, marketing and entrepreneurship including the concepts, functions, and skills required for meeting the challenges of operating a business in the twenty-first century on a local, national, and international scale. The course further develops business vocabulary and provides an overview of business and the role that business plays in economic, social, and political environments. 




Matched to Standards:


Students will be able to:


Instructional Strategy

Students will:




Week 1 & 2

Chapter 1

IBU 1.5

IBU 3.1

IBU 3.12

IBU 3.14

  • Use a rational decision-making process in establishing short and long term goals

  • Define entrepreneurship

  • Understand and respond to customer demands for business development strategies

  • Analyze creative elements in opportunity recognition to start a new enterprise

  • Explain the difference between needs and wants

  • Distinguish between goods and services

  • Describe the types of economic resources

  • Understand the basic economic problem

  • Explain the steps in the decision-making process

  • Identify the three economic questions

  • Differentiate among the main types of economic systems

  • Describe the economic system of the United States

  • Describe supply and demand orally and with graphs

  • Discuss how supply and demand affect prices of products and services

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading using interactive powerpoint questions

Create a descriptive model comparing needs to wants and goods to services

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Want vs Need  Good vs Service Project

Chapter 1 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Begin Pitch and deicde on a Business

Week 3 & 4

Chapter 2

IBU 1.1

IBU 1.10

IBU 3.10

  • Illustrate the styles, levels and functions of business management.

  • Adapt language for audience, purpose, and situation

  • Appraise the contribution of entrepreneurship to the economy

  • Define gross domestic product

  • Describe economic measures of labor

  • Identify economic indicators for consumer spending

  • Describe the four phases of the business cycle

  • Explain causes of inflation and deflation

  • Identify the importance of interest rates

  • Discuss investment activities that promote economic growth

  • Explain borrowing activities by government, business, and consumers

  • Describe future concerns of economic growth

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Financial Goals Presentation Project

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Financial Goals Project

Chapter 2 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Pitch Creation: Idea, Business Model

Week 5 & 6

Chapter 3

IBU 3.7

IBU 3.8

IBU 3.9

  • Describe the impact of the local economy on the establishment of a new business

  • Describe the impact of the national economy on the establishment of a new business

  • Describe the impact of the international economy on the establishment of a new business

  • Describe importing and exporting activities

  • Compare balance of trade and balance of payments

  • List factors that affect the value of global currencies

  • Describe the components of the international business environment

  • Identify examples of formal trade barriers

  • Explain actions to encourage international trade

  • Discuss activities of multinational organizations

  • Explain common international business entry modes

  • Describe activities of international trade organizations and agencies

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Recognize the difference in bribery and gift-giving for foreign relations

Research and create a visual about ethnic food

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Ethnic Food Project

Chapter 3 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Pitch Creation: Competition, Competitor Matrix

Week 7 & 8

Chapter 4

IBU 1.2

IBU 1.8

IBU 3.4

  • List qualities essential for various types of managers

  • Explain the need to be aware of Equal Employment Opportunity Act

  • Identify the various methods of financing a business

  • Describe social responsibility issues

  • Identify benefits and costs of social responsibility

  • Explain the purpose of a code of ethics

  • Identify the roles and levels of government

  • Explain government protection activities

  • Describe types of intellectual property

  • Explain actions by government to regulate business

  • Discuss efforts of government to assist businesses

  • Identify methods used by government to raise money

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 4 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Pitch Creation : Financial Statements

Week 9 & 10

Chapter 5

IBU 2.6

IBU 3.2

IBU 3.6

IBU 3.7

IBU 3.8

  • Establish a target market for a particular product or service

  • List the characteristics of a successful entrepreneurship

  • Identify the methods of entering an entrepreneurial venture to include starting a new business, buying an existing business, becoming a franchisee, and forms of ownership

  • Describe the impact of the local economy on the establishment of a new business

  • Describe the impact of the national economy on the establishment of a new business

  • Describe the changing status of U.S. employment

  • Discuss the role of business in the U.S. economy

  • Describe three major types of businesses

  • Understand the three major forms of business ownership

  • Determine when each form of business ownership is most appropriate

  • Recognize other specialized business ownership forms

  • Understand important principles in designing an effective organization

  • Compare alternative organizational structures for businesses

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Research types of businesses in Scott County

Create presentation about businesses

Present types of business

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Type of Businesses Project

Chapter 5 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Pitch Creation Finacial Statements

Week 11 & 12

Chapter 6

BU 1.4

IBU 3.2

IBU 3.3

  • Explain the importance of risk management

  • List the characteristics of a successful entrepreneurship

  • Define the role of a business plan

  • Identify characteristics of successful entrepreneurs

  • Recognize the importance of entrepreneurship in the economy

  • Describe opportunities and risks of entrepreneurship

  • Identify important characteristics of small businesses

  • Recognize the competitive advantages of small businesses

  • Identify problems faced by many small businesses

  • Recognize important factors to be considered when starting a business

  • Describe the elements of a business plan

  • Identify types and sources of financing for a small business

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 6 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Pitch Creation  and first PRESENTATION

Week 13 & 14

Chapter 7

IBU 1.3

IBU 1.7

IBU 1.9

  • Recognize the appropriate leadership style for a given situation.

  • Identify the cycle of recruitment, hiring, training, evaluation, and dismissal of employees

  • Diagnose appropriateness of various examples of verbal and nonverbal business communications

  • Define the five functions of management

  • Describe the levels of management in businesses

  • Discuss when to use the two management styles

  • Describe the need for leadership skills and the characteristics of an effective leader

  • Identify the human relations skills needed by managers and leaders

  • .Recognize four types of leadership influence

  • Justify the need for ethical management

  • Identify the role of leaders in increasing ethical behavior

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Recognize leadership styles used around you

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Leadership Project

Chapter 7 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Business Plan Creation 

Week 15 & 16

Chapter 8

IBU 1.7

IBU 1.8

IBU 1.9

IBU 3.15

  • Identify the cycle of recruitment, hiring, training, evaluation, and dismissal of employees

  • Explain the need to be aware of Equal Employment Opportunity Act

  • Diagnose appropriateness of various examples of verbal and nonverbal business communications

  • Demonstrate examples of creativity and innovation in new business development

  • Describe the nature of today’s workforce

  • Identify important goals and activities of human resources

  • Identify important planning and staffing activities

  • Describe compensation and benefits plans

  • Recognize the goals of performance management

  • Recognize factors that contribute to an effective organizational culture

  • Describe the benefits of diversity to an organization, individuals, and society

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 8 Test

Maverick Challenge Project Business Plan Creation

Week 17 & 18

Chapter 9

IBU 1.11

  • Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing, and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information

  • Describe the steps in the career planning process

  • Identify the main sources of career information

  • Discuss career fields with the most growth potential

  • Describe factors of a personal assessment for career planning

  • Discuss methods for obtaining career experience

  • Identify information sources for available jobs

  • Prepare an application form and a resume

  • Identify the parts of an application cover letter

  • Discuss the online application process

  • Describe activities involved in the interview process

  • Compare factors to consider when accepting a job offer

  • Identify attitudes and actions for success on the job.

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Write a resume, cover letter and practice the interview process

Review for the Final

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec discussion

Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 9 Test

Write a Resume

and Cover Letter

Maverick Challenge Project : Pitch, Business Plan, Presentation

Semester Final


Week 1, 2 & 3

Chapter 10

BU 2.1

IBU 2.2

IBU 2.3

IBU 2.4

IBU 2.5

IBU 2.8

IBU 2.9

· Define marketing and its impact on society.

· Distinguish the functions of marketing and their importance in successful product marketing

· Recognize and explain the four utilities of marketing

· Interpret how the marketing concept relates to business management

· Show how changes in the marketing mix affect the success factor of marketing strategies

· Investigate the effect of customer input and feedback

· Investigate the overall influence of the customer in marketing strategies

· Define important marketing concept

· Identify the steps in a marketing strategy

· Describe the consumer decision-making process

· Justify the importance of marketing research

· Identify the components of a product

· Describe how services differ from products

· Discuss how the selling price of a product is calculated

· Differentiate between a direct and an indirect channel of distribution

· Justify the importance of communication in marketing

· Identify and describe the common types of promotion

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Research and create a visual display about the Marketing Mix for a company to reach its target market

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 10 Test

Marketing Mix Project

Week 4 & 5

Chapter 12

IBU 1.2

IBU 3.11

IBU 3.13

· List the qualities essential for various types of managers

· Recognize and explain the influence of demographics on business development

· Examine elements of competition in the market

· Recognize important financial questions that must be answered in a business.

· List the steps in budget preparation

· Describe three types of business budgets

· Identify several types of financial records needed by businesses

· Describe the differences between an income statement and a balance sheet

· Describe the components of a business’ payroll system

· Identify information included in payroll records and paychecks

· Recognize important financial information managers use to make decisions

· Identify the steps in making financial decisions in business

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Compare Financial Statements

Compute ratios to determine which business is in better shape

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 12 Test

Financial Statements Project

Week 6 & 7

Chapter 13

IBU 1.1

IBU 1.5

IBU 1.7

IBU 3.3

· Illustrate the styles, levels and functions of business management

· Identify the cycle of recruitment, hiring, training, evaluation, and dismissal of employees

· Use a rational decision-making process in establishing short and long term goals

· Define the role of a business plan

· Describe the role of producers in the economy and forms of production

· Differentiate among the various types of manufacturing

· Identify the activities involved in production planning

· Describe how manufacturing is organized

· Discuss the importance of effective business operations

· Describe tools used to manage business operations

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 13 Test

Week 8 & 9

Chapter 14

IBU 1.4

IBU 1.10

· Explain the importance of risk management

· Adapt language for audience, purpose, and situation

· Identify the types of risks facing businesses

· Describe ways that businesses can deal with risks

· Recognize important insurance concepts

· Describe several types of business insurance

· Describe why some business risks are uninsurable

· List the strategies a company can use to reduce the risks of doing business internationally

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Research in the news a risk a company has faced recently; identify the steps the business can take to avoid that risk and create a visual to present

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 14 Test

Business Risk Project

Week 10 & 11

Chapter 15

IBU 1.11

IBU 2.7

Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing, and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information

· Identify pattern of appropriate customer service that increase company profits

· Identify major sources of consumer information

· Explain wise buying actions

· Describe the main types of shopping location

· Explain the consumer movement

· Explain seven consumer rights

· Describe consumer responsibilities

· List common consumer concerns

· Describe the steps of the consumer complaint process

· Explain legal actions available to assist consumers

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Design a label project

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 15 Test

Label Project

Week 12 & 13

Chapter 16

IBU 1.3

IBU 2.5

· Recognize the appropriate leadership style for a given situation

· Show how changes in the marketing mix affect the success factor of marketing strategies

· Explain the purpose of the Federal Reserve System

· List the types of financial institutions

· Discuss factors for selecting a financial institution

· Identify the financial services used by consumers

· Explain types of checking accounts

· Describe electronic banking activities

· Describe three main types of endorsements

· Describe proper check-writing procedures

· Explain the bank reconciliation process

· Identify other payment methods

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Create a personal

Balance Sheet


Cash Flow Statement

Create a plan to finance a car in 3 years

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 16 Test

Balance Sheet

Cash Flow Statement

Finance of a Cart

Week 14

Chapter 17

IBU 1.3

IBU 2.5

· Recognize the appropriate leadership style for a given situation

· Show how changes in the marketing mix effect the success factor of marketing strategies

· Explain the purpose of the Federal Reserve System

· List the types of financial institutions

· Discuss factors for selecting a financial institution

· Identify the financial services used by consumers

· Explain types of checking accounts

· Describe electronic banking activities

· Describe three main types of endorsements

· Describe proper check-writing procedures

· Explain the bank reconciliation process

· Identify other payment methods

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Checkbook Transactions



Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Checkbook Transactions



Summative Assessment

Chapter 17 Test

Checkbook Quiz

Week 15

Chapter 18

IBU 1.9

IBU 3.4

IBU 3.6

· Diagnose appropriateness of various examples of verbal and nonverbal business communications

· Identify the various methods of financing a business

· Identify the methods of entering an entrepreneurial venture to include starting a new business, buying an existing business, becoming a franchisee, and forms of ownership

· Identify the types of consumer credit

· Describe the benefits of using credit

· Explain some disadvantages of using credit

· Calculate interest in consumer credit situations

· Explain finance charges when using credit

· Explain the credit application process

· Describe the activities of a credit bureau

· Discuss commonly used credit documents

· Identify credit application regulation

· Explain credit use regulation

· Discuss credit problems and available assistance

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 18 Test

Week 16

Chapter 19

IBU 3.10

IBU 3.13

IBU 3.14

· Appraise the contribution of entrepreneurship to the economy

· Examine elements of competition in the market

· Analyze creative elements in opportunity recognition to start a new enterprise

· Explain the basics of saving and investing

· Identify types of savings and investments

· Discuss factors to consider when evaluating savings and investment alternatives

· Compare the two major types of stock

· Describe the activities involved with buying or selling stock

· Identify factors that affect the value of stock

· List types of government bonds

· Describe features of corporate bonds

· Describe various types of mutual funds

· Describe home buying activities

· Explain the benefits of home ownership

· Discuss the costs of home ownership

· Discuss types of commodity investments

· Explain the use of collectibles as an investment

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 19 Test

Week 17

Chapter 20

IBU 2.8

IBU 3.11

Investigate the effect of customer input and feedback

· Recognize and explain the influence of demographics on business development

· Discuss motor vehicle risks

· Explain auto insurance coverage

· Identify factors that affect auto insurance costs

· Describe property insurance coverage

· Explain property insurance policies

· Identify factors that affect property insurance costs

· Discuss the principles of life insurance

· Explain the types of life insurance

· Describe the process of buying life insurance

· Describe health insurance coverage

· Discuss health insurance providers

· Explain disability and long-term care insurance

Read information in groups, individually and with a partner

Participate in class and online discussions

Complete assessments related to the reading

Formative assessment

Class oral and online on Peardec


Daily exit slip assessment

Section Review Questions

Summative Assessment

Chapter 20 Test

Week 18


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· Review all pertinent information learned

· Review all pertinent information learned


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